MP for New Juaben South Launches Special Classes for 2023 BECE Candidates.

The Member of Parliament for New Juaben South and Deputy Minister of Trade & Industry, Honourable Michael Okyere Baafi, on Saturday, 24th June 2023, launched the Third Edition of the MP’s Special Classes for Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates. 

This is an initiative of the MP to help improve the performance of BECE Candidates in the constituency. The program, which has been running for the past three years has contributed significantly to improving the performance of candidates who sat for the exams over the years. The 2022 MP’s Special Classes yield a positive result. Schools that participated in these special classes saw a significant improvement in the results of their candidates presented for the BECE compared to the previous year.

The MP’s Special Classes launch included a career guidance and counselling session for BECE candidates. The event saw some personalities who have excelled in their education and professional careers share their experiences with the candidates. The following individuals graced the occasion:

Mrs. Nana Adjoa Hackman Otchere-Darko

Mrs. Nana Adjoa Hackman Otchere-Darko is a lawyer with over 20 years of experience and the Managing Partner of Africa Legal Associates. Aunty Nana Adjoa, as she preferred to be called by the students, shared some pertinent points with the candidates on preparing for the changing world. She admonished the students to approach their education and life in general from the point of view of globalization, artificial intelligence, environmental, social and governance (ESG), and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Furthermore, she emphasized the need for the candidates to participate in extracurricular activities in school and acquire multi-disciplinary skills as they climb the educational ladder.

Barnabas Abisa Esq.

Barnabas Abisa, a private legal practitioner with AB Lexmall & Associates, shared his experience growing up in Koforidua. Barnabas was born and bred in Koforidua and did all his schooling in Koforidua from Kindergarten to Senior High School. He encouraged the student to be goal-oriented and not let their family or educational background stop them from achieving their aspirations in life. He took the candidate through his life as a student in Koforidua and how he worked hard despite numerous challenges he faced from his basic education to becoming a lawyer.

Sarah Nkansah Boateng

Sarah is a professional midwife and currently works with SDA Hospital, Koforidua. She also hosts a reproductive health educational show on Afeema FM. Sarah shared her educational journey through school to become a professional midwife. The candidates were admonished to get mentors that will guide them on their journey to achieving their aspirations in life.

The guest speakers, after sharing their experiences in life and education took time to answer various questions bothering the students. The program was an inspiring one for candidates as they prepare for their first major exams in their education. Honourable Michael Okyere Baafi had this to say after the launch of the MP’s Special Classes:

My utmost desire is to witness the 2023 final year students in my constituency perform outstandingly in their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), progress to excel in their West African Secondary School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) and eventually thrive in their tertiary education, eventually contributing greatly to the development of New Juaben South and Ghana as a whole.

To achieve this, I have launched the 3rd edition of “The MP’s Special Extra Classes” to adequately prepare the final year pupils to excel in their examination results.

Last year’s 2nd edition saw a tremendous improvement in the BECE results for 2022. This year, we want to achieve double results.

That is why on Saturday, June 24, I paraded some personalities who excelled in their academic results and are currently making great strides in their fields of profession to talk to the 2023 BECE candidates in my constituency.

I announced a reward package for the candidates who will score a single digit.

We had astute lawyers such as Mrs. Nana Adjoa Hackman Otchere-Darko, and Barnabas Abisa Esq and Sarah Nkansah Boateng as a professional Midwife being present to mentor and challenge the final-year pupils to urge to become like them. My heartfelt appreciation also goes to the New Juaben South Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Ike-Appaw Gyasi, for his inspiring message to the kids as they prepare towards their exams.

It is my hope as MP for New Juaben South to once again see a better improved academic record in the 2023 BECE.

The candidates were excited about the opportunity to learn from accomplished personalities in addition to having intensive classes and preparation for their final exams. They promise to make the best out of this initiative and pass their exams with flying colours.  Below are some of the images from the occasion.

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